Ptosis Correction

FAQ about the Levator Muscle

🙋🏻‍♀️Do I have levator muscle weakness?

The frequently asked questions mostly are dull eyes or droopy lids.

Besides levator muscle weakness, droopy lids could result from excessive skin, and only a professional doctor can examine and judge it. If due to the levator muscle problem, only trimming excessive skin would lead to unchanged droopy eyes and possibly asymmetrical eyes.

Dull eyes are mostly related to the levator muscle.


🙋🏻‍♀️Aside from dull eyes, what symptoms would levator muscle weakness cause?

Imagine when we have dull eyes but still want to open eyes widely, what can we do? We raise the eyebrows to open eyes bigger, but meanwhile, we create forehead wrinkles beyond our age. In addition, when we try hard to open eyes bigger, lengthen the levator muscle aponeurosis, and cause eyelids to have many folds and the orbital fat tissue retract backwards, and form the sunken sockets. In conclusion, the symptoms are as follows,

1. dull eyes

2. sunken sockets

3. multiple eyelids

4. eyebrow raising

5. excessive forehead wrinkles

These symptoms may be the complications of levator muscle weakness, and even if the operation merely reinforce the levator muscle, it can improve the above-mentioned symptoms at the same time.


🙋🏻‍♀️Why do you have even duller eyes after getting Botox injections for the forehead wrinkles?

If people have dull eyes, they will want to raise eyebrows to help open their eyes. If the forehead wrinkles are formed for opening eyes, after Botox injection to block those muscles for raising eyebrow, eyebrow cannot help to open the eyes, dull eyes will occur.


🙋🏻‍♀️Can the surgery be performed on only one eye for its own levator muscle weakness?

The answer is positive. Before the surgery, the patient should cooperate with the doctor to have the examination to see if there is the Hering’s effect. If so, after performing a surgery on the droopier eye, the other eye will droop otherwise.

What’s Hering’s effect? When one eye drops and cannot open, we’ll try hard to open it wider, but in most cases, what we’re trying is opening “both eyes,” so the normal eye will also be bigger than its original condition! After the operation, the patient can finally open eyes easily, and we can also relax ourselves and needn’t open eyes bigger at all times, so the normal eye without operation will go back to its original position, and that’s why when performing surgery on one eye, the other one without surgery will become duller.


🙋🏻‍♀️When adjusting the levator muscle, is there anything we should pay attention to?

We all know that tiredness and after staying up, eyes will be duller, so before the surgery, we need to have enough sleep in case that we have dull and uneven eyes, and during the surgery, it’s hard to precisely plan the lines and impossible to simulate the real muscle strength and achieve a perfect result after the operation.


🙋🏻‍♀️I have asymmetrical eyes and know they result from the levator muscle problem, but I can’t have bruises because I have to work the following day, so can I only take the non-incisional method?

Certainly. If asymmetrical eyes are caused by the levator muscle, by planning different lines on both eyes, opening eyes can have the same double eyelid fold radian, but depending on the levator muscles, the range of the exposed black eyeballs will cause differences on both eyes. If you don’t care about a little black eyeball differences, you can also take the non-incisional method for double eyelid with about 90% of detumescence for a week.


🙋🏻‍♀️Should the incisional method be employed to reinforce the levator muscle?

The levator muscle can be non-incisional or incisional.

The advantages of the non-incisional method are rapid recovery, short operation and no scars left, but if it is necessary to trim excessive skin, adjust the eye shape (from triangular eyes to phoenix eyes), or raise the upper lid much higher, it then requires the incisional method.

The non-incisional method for the levator muscle: rapid recovery, short operation and no scars left.

The incisional method for the levator muscle: possible to change the eye shape, trim skin and precisely adjust the lid palpable fissure height of both eyes.