Double Eyelid

Can puffy eyes only resort to the incisional double eyelid surgery?

Puffy eyes mainly result from hypertrophy of the following tissues.

▲ Intraorbital fat

▲ The fat under the orbicularis oculi muscle

▲ Orbicularis oculi muscle

The orbicularis oculi muscle and the fat under the orbicularis oculi muscle are distributed on the entire upper eyelid area. Due to hypertrophy of the two tissues, it is only the incisional surgery that can remove the excess fat of the orbicularis oculi muscle and the one under it.

If simply it is caused by orbital fat, we can perform a minimally invasive surgery to suck out the fat without really cutting out a whole wound because orbital fat are in packs.

Only depending on which part of hypertrophy can we decide to adopt an incisional surgery ,or a non-incisional surgery plus a minimally invasive surgery to suck out the fat. A good and detailed evaluation before the surgery can help you have a customized double eyelid surgery!

Intraorbital structure